Celebrating 100 years of insulin Discovery for Diabetes

Written By Amir Jamil. What is Diabetes? World Diabetes Day was celebrated on the 14th of November and this year marked 100 years since...

Does food density matter when you are trying to lose weight?

Does food density matter when you are trying to lose weight?

When it comes to losing weight, it seems like there is a new fad diet out every month. Low fat,low carb, high protein, vegan, vegetarian low carb….these choices are endless.What really works for weight loss? The answer varies among individuals and likely depends on a combination of genes, food preferences, and lifestyle. But one of the most important concepts for achieving permanent weight loss is the energy density of the food you consume. Energy density refers to the number of calories per gram in a given type of food. Eating foods that have lower energy density allows you to eat larger, more satisfying, portions while consuming fewer calories.Research has shown that this is important both mentally and physically when it comes to weight.