Celebrating 100 years of insulin Discovery for Diabetes

Written By Amir Jamil. What is Diabetes? World Diabetes Day was celebrated on the 14th of November and this year marked 100 years since...

Chemistry, and Your Health: Fight Hypertension With Potassium

Chemistry, and Your Health: Fight Hypertension With Potassium

Hypertension (high blood
pressure) is the primary reason people visit doctor’s offices, and more
prescriptions are written for its treatment than any other health problem. In
addition to the use of prescription drugs, hypertension is also usually treated
by reducing or eliminating the dietary intake of sodium in the form of table
salt (sodium chloride). Recently released research results indicate that
combining an increase in dietary potassium intake with a reduction in sodium
intake is probably the most important dietary decision (after excess weight
loss) people can make to reduce cardiovascular diseases, including

 Studies reveal that in societies with diets
rich in fruits and vegetables, only 1% of the population suffers from hypertension.
By contrast, 33% of adults have hypertension in industrialized societies where
the diet contains larger amounts of processed foods, which often contain added
salt. The typical diet in the United States contains about twice the sodium and
only half the 4700 milligrams per day of potassium currently recommended by the
American Heart Association. It might seem that taking a daily supplement is the
only way to ensure a daily potassium intake as high as 4.7 grams, but that is
not the case. Nature provides many potassium-rich foods such as squash,
potatoes, tomatoes, carrots, spinach, beans, bananas, apricots, prunes, melons,
peaches, halibut, tuna, trout, and low-fat dairy products. Specific examples of
the potassium content of a few dietary potassium sources are given in the
following table:

Banana, 1 medium – 422mg

Sweet potato, 1 baked – 694mg


      White potato, 1 baked – 610mg


White beans, canned, 1/2 cup- 595mg


Yoghurt plain, nonfat, 8 oz –



Halibut, cooked, 3 oz – 490mg


In addition to potassium,
some studies have shown that the minerals magnesium and calcium may also have a
positive influence in maintaining healthy blood pressure. The fruits and
vegetables that provide potassium in the diet are also good sources of these
two minerals. So, the parental directions traditionally given to children to
“eat your fruits and vegetables and drink your milk” have been given scientific
validity for all of us as a way to help maintain healthy levels of blood