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Mastering Stress in the Digital Era • Healthier Matters blog

In our digital age, we’re constantly bombarded with notifications, messages, and endless information. While it offers numerous benefits, it also ushers in unique challenges. Topping that list is the looming stress of always being ‘online’. Managing this stress has become an art that is as unique as each individual. 

So, we’re here to help and provide you with twenty (Yes, 2 – 0 – !) ideas that you can take on board and adapt to help deal with any of the ever-present stressors in your life. We’ll also suggest a helpful tool you can use to help you throughout your journey to less stress. While you don’t have to incorporate all of the strategies or tools, and some won’t be to your taste, trying a few of the ones you think sound worthwhile will certainly give you that mental boost or refresh you may have been looking for.

1. Savour a Digital Break:
As invaluable as technology is, our brains aren’t wired for continuous digital consumption.  Did you know that 70% of people experience digital eye strain from overuse of devices? This just underscores the importance of taking breaks from our screens. Schedule a weekend where you trade your phone for a good old paperback or a nature hike. It might be challenging initially, resisting the urge to check notifications, but the mental clarity gained is unparalleled. A great tool for this is Offtime, a nifty app that helps you unplug by blocking distracting apps and calls for as long as you require.


2. Champion Restful Sleep:
Blue light from devices interferes with our sleep cycle as it suppresses melatonin production, making it harder for us to nod off when needed. When aiming for that good 7-9 hours of uninterrupted sleep, try the “screen-free hour” method — stop using any digital devices an hour before bedtime to relax your mind and detox from that bright light shining in your face. A lavender-scented room or weighted blanket might further enhance your sleep quality. Here, you can use Twilight, a night-time app that adjusts your device’s light to reduce blue light emission during the evening. However, not using your phone an hour before hitting the hay is still the best option!


3. Harness Digital Stress-busters:
Use technology to your advantage. Apps like ‘Headspace’ offer bite-sized meditation sessions, ideal for a quick mid-day break. The challenge? Regularity. Set reminders to stay consistent in using these apps for stress relief. A fantastic platform is Headspace, which offers guided meditation sessions and other ways to relax, meditate and rejuvenate your mind.


4. Practise Gratitude:
In the digital age, we’re often driven by ‘more’—notifications, updates, and consumption. Slowing down to recognise and appreciate life’s blessings is powerful. Beyond jotting down daily points of gratitude, take a moment to reflect on each, delving deeper into the why and how. Over time, this mindset can become your default, transforming how you view stress and how you approach life. Try out Five Minute Journal, a digital journal specifically for noting gratitude.


5. Moderate News Intake:

Mastering Stress in the Digital Era • Healthier Matters blog
In our always-on culture, it’s easy to become oversaturated with news. Choose specific times to update yourself, and ensure you’re pulling from reliable sources. Platforms like Pocket allow you to save articles for later, ensuring you control your intake. Remember, being informed is essential, but overconsumption can exacerbate stress.


6. Mind Your Social Media Diet:
This is like the above point, but arguably even more important! Dedicate a day of the week as “Social-free Sunday”, or limit your daily usage. The average person checks their phone a whopping 58 times a day! No wonder it feels like we’re constantly connected. Tools like StayFocusd can restrict time spent on distracting sites. Unfollowing negative accounts and joining uplifting communities, like art or travel groups, can make the digital world sunnier.


7. Set Firm Boundaries:
This might seem scary sometimes, but avoiding burnout is important. Set an “out of office” response for non-working hours or weekends. The challenge is ensuring colleagues and friends respect these boundaries. Be firm yet polite when communicating your offline hours. It’s not just a preference, either. Constant notifications can lead to a phenomenon called “notification stress,” which seriously impacts our mental well-being. A tool like Boomerang for Gmail is helpful here, as it lets you schedule emails and set “out of office” notices.


8. Structure Your Time:
The essence of structure is clarity. Using tools like “Trello” or “Asana,” you can map out your day, week, or month. This visual snapshot can be particularly beneficial when you’re feeling overwhelmed. By allocating set times for tasks, you guard against the pitfalls of multitasking, which often results in reduced productivity and increased stress. While sticking to your structure can be difficult, with regular adjustments based on real-time needs, you’ll soon find a rhythm that harmonises work, leisure, and personal commitments.


9. Commit to Regular Exercise:
Moving your body helps you to relax your mind (Although it may not feel like it at the time). Activities like Zumba or swimming offer both physical and mental benefits. A 30-minute daily routine can release endorphins, nature’s stress-relievers. Apart from the stress-relief benefits, about 30% of adults and 66% of adolescents report sleep troubles due to excess screen time, and regular exercise can aid in better sleep. Start small, with 10-minute home workouts, then gradually increase them over time. An excellent option is MyFitnessPal, an app that tracks your exercise and nutrition.


10. Find Delight in Movement:
You don’t have to drench yourself in your sweat to reap the mental benefits of movement. Discover joy in activities like salsa dancing or frisbee. It’s not just about calorie burning but mental rejuvenation. Start with weekend classes, then maybe even find communities to help keep the momentum going. You can use Meetup to find local groups for dance, sports, or other movement activities.


11. Invest in Personal Growth:
The digital age offers boundless growth opportunities. While platforms like Coursera or Udemy are fantastic for structured learning, consider the value of informal digital spaces like forums or communities centered around your interests. Diversifying your learning sources ensures a balance of structured and experiential knowledge.


12. Adopt Thoughtful Eating Habits

Eating Habits

Stress-eating can be a pitfall. Foods rich in magnesium, like spinach or dark chocolate, can alleviate anxiety. Maintain a food diary or use apps like MyFitnessPal to track your nutrition.


13. Delve into Creativity:
Directing your energy into a creative pursuit can be cathartic when stress builds. Whether it’s starting a DIY project inspired by a YouTube channel or attending local pottery workshops, creating is innately therapeutic. Plus, the tangible results—whether it’s a piece of art, a written piece, or a newly knitted scarf—give a sense of accomplishment that can counter stress. Use a platform like Pinterest to find inspiration for wonderful DIY projects and crafts.


14. Master the Art of Refusal:
Constantly saying ‘yes’ can so often lead to burnout. Prioritising means setting personal boundaries ensuring that our digital interactions enrich rather than deplete us. It’s about valuing quality over quantity. By embracing FOMO (Fear Of Missing Out) and JOMO (Joy Of Missing Out), we can curate our online experiences, preserving mental well-being. Try Doodle for this; it lets you better schedule meetings, making it easier to manage your time and say “no” when needed.


15. Commune with Nature:
Even if you’re nestled in the heart of a bustling city, seek pockets of green—be it a terrace garden, a community park, or even indoor plants. Regularly immerse yourself in these spaces. The act of grounding, feeling the earth beneath your feet or the texture of a leaf, offers immediate stress relief. Plus, these settings often provide a break from the incessant digital buzz. If you’re left craving even more immersion in nature, try AllTrails, which helps you find local hiking and nature trails.


16. Seek Guidance:
It’s always okay to ask for help. Platforms like “BetterHelp” offer tailored online therapy sessions. It’s crucial to recognise when professional advice is needed, and the convenience of digital platforms can make this step less daunting.


17. Stay Connected:

Staying Connected
Human connection, physical or digital, remains as vital as ever. Try to engage in virtual escape rooms, online book clubs, or digital cooking classes. While it might feel less personal than face-to-face interaction, these activities offer a touchpoint of normalcy and camaraderie in a digital-first world. Balancing digital connections with in-person ones will provide a holistic social experience. You can use Zoom’s now-famous platform for virtual escape rooms, book clubs, etc.


18. Engage in Relaxation:
Beyond digital relaxation groups, consider building a personal relaxation toolkit. Combine digital resources like guided meditation apps with tactile tools such as stress balls, aromatherapy diffusers, or even calming teas like chamomile. Crafting a personal routine that melds various relaxation techniques will ensure you have a multi-faceted approach to stress management. Calm or Headspace are great for this, as they offer guided meditations, sleep stories and relaxation techniques.


19. Foster Positivity:
Beyond curating motivational playlists, consider initiating or joining positive challenges online. This might be a 30-day positivity challenge or a good news-sharing group. Actively seeking and promoting positivity creates a ripple effect, impacting you and your digital community. For this, the Good News Network is an awesome website dedicated to sharing positive news stories, which will boost you in your busy day.


20. Prioritise Self-care:
True self-care extends beyond digital detox baths or digital-free weekends. Consider digital journaling tools like Day One or Journey to introspect and reflect. Integrate digital wellness platforms that offer a mix of mindfulness, yoga, and mental fitness exercises. Remember, self-care isn’t just about relaxation; it’s about holistic well-being, which includes mental, emotional and physical health.

Summing It All Up

Once more, as you navigate this terrific but often terrifying digital age, remember that managing stress effectively is about adhering to all these strategies in a relaxed manner. Instead, it’s about creating a balanced lifestyle that suits your needs and enhances your overall well-being. Focus on what aligns with your well-being and ignore what anyone else says because it’s YOUR life, and you’re rocking it.