Celebrating 100 years of insulin Discovery for Diabetes

Written By Amir Jamil. What is Diabetes? World Diabetes Day was celebrated on the 14th of November and this year marked 100 years since...

It’s time to quit smoking

It’s time to quit smoking
is a difficult habit to break, especially when done abruptly. Mark Twain
described the more gradual and reasonable approach when he said ” habit is
habit, and not to be flung out of the window by any man, but coaxed downstairs
a step at a time”.

To help
quitting smokers, there are several OTC acids available as well as new
prescription products to help them gradually overcome the strong urge to

Nicotine patch (which is absorbed through the skin) and the nicotrol nicotine
inhalation system are available in doses and prescription.
Nicotine patches
are available for purchase over-the-counter from various manufuctures without a
prescription. It is used in nicotine replacement therapy (NRT) and it is far
most considered as one of the safer NRT available.
A meta-analysis
found that fewer than 20% of people treated with NRT remain abstinent from
smoking at one year.
The Nicotrol
nicotine inhaler consists of a mouthpiece and a plastic cartridge delivering 4mg
of a nicotine from a porous plug of 10mg. when a smoker “puffs” on the device,
nicotine vapors are absorbed through the lining of the mouth and throat. It takes
about 80 puffs to deliver the amount of nicotine obtained from a single
cigarette. One of the advantages of using this method is that the smoker still mimics
the hand-to-mouth behavior of smoking, a part of habit that will be easier to break
once nicotine withdrawal symptoms subside.

Another newest
prescription method that has been designed to break the smoking habit that does
not contain any nicotine is an antidepressant called bupropion hat has shown to
be effective. Bupropion is taken in tablet and is available only by
prescription in most countries.